=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20010302: found digest-20121220 ===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /var/db/pkg/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /var/db/pkg fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. ===> Installing for ruby193-kgio-2.8.0 => Installing gem into installation root Building native extensions. This could take a while... unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ChangeLog, skipping unable to convert "\xC3" to UTF-8 in conversion from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 to US-ASCII for ChangeLog, skipping Successfully installed kgio-2.8.0 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for kgio-2.8.0... Installing RDoc documentation for kgio-2.8.0... => Cleaning intermediate gem build files rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/wait.o rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/tryopen.o rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/read_write.o rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/poll.o rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/mkmf.log rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/kgio_ext.so rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/kgio_ext.o rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/connect.o rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/autopush.o rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/accept.o rm kgio-2.8.0/./ext/kgio/Makefile => gem install => Automatic manual page handling