=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20010302: found digest-20121220 ===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /var/db/pkg/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /var/db/pkg fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. => Checksum SHA1 OK for root_v5.26.00b.source.tar.gz => Checksum RMD160 OK for root_v5.26.00b.source.tar.gz ===> Installing dependencies for root-5.26nb12 ========================================================================== The following variables will affect the build process of this package, root-5.26nb12. Their current value is shown below: * GIFLIB_IMPLEMENTATION = giflib * JPEG_DEFAULT = jpeg * SSLBASE = /usr * SSLCERTS = /etc/openssl/certs * SSLDIR = /etc/openssl * SSLKEYS = /etc/openssl/private Based on these variables, the following variables have been set: * JPEGBASE (defined, but empty) * JPEG_TYPE = jpeg You may want to abort the process now with CTRL-C and change their value before continuing. Be sure to run `/usr/bin/make clean' after the changes. ========================================================================== => Tool dependency gmake>=3.81: found gmake-3.82nb7 => Build dependency x11-links>=0.78: found x11-links-0.79 => Build dependency gcc3-f77>=3.3.5nb2: found gcc3-f77-3.3.6 => Full dependency png>=1.6.0nb1: found png-1.6.2 => Full dependency jpeg>=9: found jpeg-9 => Full dependency giflib>=4.1.6: found giflib-4.1.6nb2 => Full dependency tiff>=4.0.3nb2: found tiff-4.0.3nb3 => Full dependency gsl>=1.5nb1: found gsl-1.15 => Full dependency pcre>=8.30nb1: found pcre-8.33 => Full dependency libXft>=2.3.1nb3: found libXft-2.3.1nb3 ===> Overriding tools for root-5.26nb12 ===> Extracting for root-5.26nb12 /bin/cp /bulk-data/pkgsrc/misc/root/files/Makefile.netbsd /scratch/misc/root/work/root/config ===> Patching for root-5.26nb12 => Applying pkgsrc patches for root-5.26nb12 ===> Creating toolchain wrappers for root-5.26nb12 src=/usr/X11R7/lib/pkgconfig/fixesproto.pc dst=/scratch/misc/root/work/.buildlink/lib/pkgconfig/fixesext.pc; /bin/mkdir -p /scratch/misc/root/work/.buildlink/lib/pkgconfig; if test -f ${src}; then /bin/ln -sf ${src} ${dst}; fi ===> Configuring for root-5.26nb12 Configuring for netbsd Checking for GNU Make version >= 3.79.1 ... ok Checking for C compiler ... gcc Checking for C++ compiler ... g++ Checking for linker (LD) ... g++ Checking for F77 compiler ... /usr/pkg/gcc3/bin/g77 Checking for libX11 ... /usr/X11R7/lib Checking for X11/Xlib.h ... /usr/X11R7/include Checking for X11/Xft/Xft.h ... /usr/X11R7/include Checking for X11/extensions/shape.h ... /usr/X11R7/include Checking for libXpm ... /usr/X11R7/lib Checking for libXft ... /usr/X11R7/lib Checking for libXext ... /usr/X11R7/lib Checking for freetype-config ... /scratch/misc/root/work/.buildlink/bin/freetype-config Checking for libfreetype version >= 9.3.0 ... ok Checking whether to build included libfreetype6 ... no Checking whether to build included libftgl ... yes Checking for pcre-config ... /usr/pkg/bin/pcre-config Checking for libpcre version >= 3.9 ... ok Checking whether to build included libpcre ... no Checking whether to build included zlib ... yes Checking for ncurses.h, or curses.h ... /usr/include Checking for libncurses, or libcurses ... /usr/lib Checking for GL/gl.h ... no Checking for libGL, or libMesaGL ... /usr/X11R7/lib Checking for libGLU, or libMesaGLU ... /usr/X11R7/lib Checking for mysql_config ... not found Checking for mysql.h ... no Checking for libmysqlclient_r, libmysqlclient, or mysqlclient ... no Checking for occi.h ... no Checking for libclntsh, or oci ... no Checking for libocci, or oraocci10 ... no Checking for libpq-fe.h ... no Checking for libpq ... no Checking for sql.h ... no Checking for libsqlod ... no Checking for sqlext.h ... no Checking for libiodbc, libodbc, or odbc32 ... no Checking for rfio_api.h ... no Checking for librfio, libshift, shiftmd, or shift ... no Checking for rfio_api.h ... no Checking for stager_api.h ... no Checking for libshift, shiftmd, or shift ... no Checking for gfal_api.h ... no Checking for libgfal ... no Checking for G4Navigator.hh ... no Checking for libG4navigation ... no Checking for CLHEP/Vector/Rotation.h ... no Checking for ApMon.h ... no Checking for libapmoncpp ... no Checking for fftw3.h ... no Checking for libfftw3, or libfftw3-3 ... no Checking for gvc.h ... no Checking for libgvc, or gvc ... no Checking for libgraph, or graph ... no Checking for libcdt, or cdt ... no Checking for libpathplan, or pathplan ... no Checking for libgvplugin_dot_layout, or gvplugin_dot_layout ... no Checking for libPythia6 ... no Checking for Pythia.h ... no Checking for libpythia8 ... no Checking for dcap.h ... no Checking for libdcap ... no Checking for chirp_client.h ... no Checking for libchirp_client ... no Checking for hdfs.h ... no Checking for jni.h ... no Checking for libhdfs ... no Checking for libjvm ... no Checking for dns_sd.h ... /usr/include Checking for libdns_sd ... /usr/lib Checking for libglite-api-wrapper ... no Checking for gapiUI.h ... no Checking for libgapiUI ... no Checking for jpeglib.h ... no Checking for png.h ... no Checking for tiffio.h ... no Checking for gif_lib.h ... no Checking for libjpeg ... no Checking for libtiff ... no Checking for libungif ... no Checking for libz ... /lib Checking for libpng ... no Checking whether to build included libAfterImage ... yes Checking for ldap.h ... /usr/include Checking for libldap ... /usr/lib Checking for liblber ... /usr/lib Checking for Python.h ... no Checking for python, libpython, libpython, python, or Python ... no Checking whether to build xrootd ... no Checking for libssl ... /usr/lib Checking for libcrypto ... /lib Checking for openssl/bio.h ... /usr/include Checking for openssl/blowfish.h ... /usr/include Checking for openssl/err.h ... /usr/include Checking for openssl/pem.h ... /usr/include Checking for openssl/rand.h ... /usr/include Checking for openssl/rsa.h ... /usr/include Checking for t_server.h ... no Checking for libsrp ... no Checking for libgmp ... no Checking for libmisc ... no Checking for pwauth.h ... no Checking for shadow passwords ... no Checking for gsl/gsl_version.h ... no Checking for gsl-config ... /usr/pkg/bin/gsl-config Checking for GSL version >= 1.8 ... ok Checking whether /usr/pkg/lib/libgsl.a is compiled with -fPIC ... yes Checking whether /usr/pkg/lib/libgslcblas.a is compiled with -fPIC ... yes Checking whether to build libMathMore ... yes Checking whether to build libGenVector ... yes Checking whether to build CINT5 ... yes Checking whether to build CINT7 ... no Checking whether to build libCintex ... no Checking whether to build libReflex ... yes Checking whether to build libRooFit ... no Checking whether to build libMinuit2 ... no Checking whether to build libUnuran ... no Checking whether to build libGdml ... no Checking whether to build libTable ... no Checking whether to build libTMVA ... yes Checking whether to build libMemStat ... no Checking for Clarens support ... no Checking for PEAC support ... no Generating cint dictionaries. Creating include ... done Creating bin ... done Creating lib ... done Writing config/Makefile.config ... done Writing config/Makefile.comp ... done Writing include/RConfigure.h ... done Writing include/RConfigOptions.h ... done Writing bin/root-config ... done Writing etc/system.rootrc ... done Writing etc/system.rootauthrc ... done Writing etc/system.rootdaemonrc ... done Writing etc/root.mimes ... done Writing etc/daemons/rootd.rc.d ... done Writing etc/daemons/rootd.xinetd ... done Writing etc/daemons/proofd.rc.d ... done Writing etc/daemons/proofd.xinetd ... done Writing etc/daemons/xrootd.rc.d ... done Writing etc/daemons/olbd.rc.d ... done Writing bin/memprobe ... done Writing build/misc/root-help.el ... done Writing macros/html.C ... done Writing bin/thisroot.sh ... done Writing bin/thisroot.csh ... done Writing bin/genreflex ... done Writing bin/genreflex-rootcint ... done Writing config.status ... done Enabled support for asimage, astiff, bonjour, builtin_afterimage, builtin_ftgl, builtin_zlib, cint5, editline, exceptions, genvector, ldap, mathmore, reflex, shared, soversion, ssl, tmva, xft. To build the ROOT OpenGL add-on library see README/INSTALL. To build ROOT type: make make install