=> Bootstrap dependency curl-[0-9]*: found curl-7.33.0 => Bootstrap dependency digest>=20010302: found digest-20121220 ===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /var/db/pkg/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /var/db/pkg fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. ===> Building for go-1.1.2 cd /scratch/lang/go/work/go/src && env GOROOT_FINAL=/usr/pkg/go /usr/pkg/bin/bash ./all.bash # Building C bootstrap tool. cmd/dist # Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool for host, netbsd/amd64. lib9 libbio libmach misc/pprof cmd/addr2line cmd/cov cmd/nm cmd/objdump cmd/pack cmd/prof cmd/cc cmd/gc cmd/6l cmd/6a cmd/6c cmd/6g pkg/runtime pkg/errors pkg/sync/atomic pkg/sync pkg/io pkg/unicode pkg/unicode/utf8 pkg/unicode/utf16 pkg/bytes pkg/math pkg/strings pkg/strconv pkg/bufio pkg/sort pkg/container/heap pkg/encoding/base64 pkg/syscall pkg/time pkg/os pkg/reflect pkg/fmt pkg/encoding/json pkg/flag pkg/path/filepath pkg/path pkg/io/ioutil pkg/log pkg/regexp/syntax pkg/regexp pkg/go/token pkg/go/scanner pkg/go/ast pkg/go/parser pkg/os/exec pkg/os/signal pkg/net/url pkg/text/template/parse pkg/text/template pkg/go/doc pkg/go/build cmd/go # Building packages and commands for netbsd/amd64. runtime errors sync/atomic unicode unicode/utf8 math sort unicode/utf16 crypto/subtle container/list container/ring image/color runtime/race container/heap sync io syscall bytes strings hash crypto/cipher crypto hash/crc32 crypto/hmac hash/adler32 hash/crc64 hash/fnv path bufio time text/tabwriter html crypto/md5 crypto/sha1 crypto/sha256 crypto/sha512 compress/bzip2 strconv math/rand math/cmplx reflect regexp/syntax net/url encoding/base64 crypto/aes crypto/rc4 encoding/ascii85 encoding/base32 image image/draw image/jpeg os regexp encoding/pem encoding/binary fmt path/filepath os/exec debug/dwarf crypto/des os/signal index/suffixarray io/ioutil flag go/token text/template/parse log debug/elf debug/macho debug/pe encoding/json encoding/xml compress/flate math/big encoding/hex mime encoding/gob runtime/pprof text/scanner compress/lzw database/sql/driver debug/gosym encoding/csv archive/tar runtime/debug cmd/yacc testing/quick go/scanner text/template compress/gzip archive/zip compress/zlib image/gif database/sql go/ast html/template testing/iotest testing go/doc go/parser go/printer image/png crypto/elliptic crypto/rand crypto/dsa encoding/asn1 crypto/ecdsa go/build crypto/rsa cmd/cgo go/format cmd/gofmt crypto/x509/pkix cmd/fix cmd/api cmd/vet runtime/cgo net os/user crypto/x509 net/textproto log/syslog mime/multipart net/mail crypto/tls net/http net/smtp cmd/go expvar net/http/pprof net/http/cgi net/http/httputil net/rpc net/http/cookiejar net/http/httptest cmd/godoc net/rpc/jsonrpc net/http/fcgi # Testing packages. ok cmd/api 0.252s ? cmd/cgo [no test files] ok cmd/fix 0.471s ok cmd/go 1.888s ? cmd/godoc [no test files] ok cmd/gofmt 0.182s ? cmd/vet [no test files] ? cmd/yacc [no test files] ok archive/tar 0.221s ok archive/zip 0.709s ok bufio 0.701s ok bytes 0.768s ok compress/bzip2 0.301s ok compress/flate 1.118s ok compress/gzip 0.239s ok compress/lzw 0.140s ok compress/zlib 3.558s ok container/heap 0.082s ok container/list 0.262s ok container/ring 0.043s ? crypto [no test files] ok crypto/aes 0.380s ok crypto/cipher 0.247s ok crypto/des 0.288s ok crypto/dsa 1.718s ok crypto/ecdsa 0.269s ok crypto/elliptic 0.039s ok crypto/hmac 0.276s ok crypto/md5 0.325s ok crypto/rand 1.313s ok crypto/rc4 1.307s ok crypto/rsa 0.355s ok crypto/sha1 1.214s ok crypto/sha256 0.219s ok crypto/sha512 0.113s ok crypto/subtle 0.123s ok crypto/tls 0.658s ok crypto/x509 2.768s ? crypto/x509/pkix [no test files] ok database/sql 0.094s ok database/sql/driver 0.236s ok debug/dwarf 0.128s ok debug/elf 0.519s ok debug/gosym 0.061s ok debug/macho 0.156s ok debug/pe 0.023s ok encoding/ascii85 0.219s ok encoding/asn1 0.145s ok encoding/base32 0.280s ok encoding/base64 0.352s ok encoding/binary 0.316s ok encoding/csv 0.130s ok encoding/gob 0.473s ok encoding/hex 0.032s ok encoding/json 0.062s ok encoding/pem 0.275s ok encoding/xml 0.143s ok errors 0.341s ok expvar 0.229s ok flag 0.261s ok fmt 0.123s ok go/ast 0.447s ok go/build 0.453s ok go/doc 0.522s ok go/format 0.360s ok go/parser 0.136s ok go/printer 0.702s ok go/scanner 0.489s ok go/token 2.120s ? hash [no test files] ok hash/adler32 0.353s ok hash/crc32 0.142s ok hash/crc64 0.305s ok hash/fnv 0.263s ok html 0.087s ok html/template 0.191s ok image 0.288s ok image/color 0.111s ok image/draw 0.269s ok image/gif 0.264s ok image/jpeg 0.400s ok image/png 0.212s ok index/suffixarray 0.080s ok io 2.047s ok io/ioutil 0.256s ok log 0.261s ok log/syslog 3.798s ok math 0.038s ok math/big 0.475s ok math/cmplx 0.187s ok math/rand 0.182s ok mime 0.318s ok mime/multipart 0.719s ok net 8.681s ok net/http 33.602s ok net/http/cgi 1.939s ok net/http/cookiejar 0.059s ok net/http/fcgi 0.197s ok net/http/httptest 1.384s ok net/http/httputil 2.183s ? net/http/pprof [no test files] ok net/mail 0.179s ok net/rpc 7.794s ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 0.483s ok net/smtp 0.100s ok net/textproto 0.052s ok net/url 0.161s --- FAIL: TestChtimes (0.00 seconds) os_test.go:682: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was={63521754492 572426175 6262752}, after={63521754492 572426175 6262752} FAIL FAIL os 0.175s ok os/exec 1.389s ok os/signal 0.068s ok os/user 0.017s ok path 0.120s ok path/filepath 0.263s ok reflect 0.107s ok regexp 0.193s ok regexp/syntax 0.785s ok runtime 14.961s ? runtime/cgo [no test files] ok runtime/debug 0.150s ok runtime/pprof 0.654s ? runtime/race [no test files] ok sort 0.282s ok strconv 0.749s ok strings 0.166s ok sync 0.101s ok sync/atomic 0.223s ok syscall 0.163s ? testing [no test files] ? testing/iotest [no test files] ok testing/quick 0.690s ok text/scanner 0.036s ok text/tabwriter 0.203s ok text/template 0.298s ok text/template/parse 0.087s ok time 7.542s ok unicode 0.149s ok unicode/utf16 0.149s ok unicode/utf8 0.095s ? unsafe [no test files] *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /bulk-data/pkgsrc/lang/go *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /bulk-data/pkgsrc/lang/go